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What is COMDE-K?

COMDE-K is a common entrance test held at national level for admission conducted by the consortium of medical, engineering and dental college of Karnataka. ​ COMDE-K UGET Exam is held for students to get admission in engineering colleges in Karnataka.  It is an autonomous body that is entrusted with the responsibility to organize UGET. The undergraduate entrance test (UGET) is a computer-based test for admission to BE/BTECH Courses. This test is open to all eligible students in the country. Seats in the colleges are allotted based on COMED-K UGET scores through an online counseling process.

COMDE-K UGET Eligibility Criteria

COMED-K eligibility criteria is set regarding every particular subject board takes notes to every subject then mark the criteria by considering best for the students. Eligibility criteria are:
  • Student should have minimum score of 45% in the subject physics, chemistry, biology/math and English in their 10+2.
  • The students who have completed their schooling via diploma are not allowed provide the COMED-K exam.
  • Candidate should not age less than 17 years their age should be at least 17 years or above than 17 years than also the student can appear for the exam.

COMDE-K Exam Pattern

COMEDK Exam is held on the basis of multiple types questions. The exams have total 180 questions and the complete exam is based exam (online exam). Exam contains three subject physics, chemistry and math with 60 questions each from the subject given. COMED-K exam is conducted for three hours every correct answer gets one positive score and there is no negative marking in this exam. COMED-K Exam pattern is set by Karnataka board according to every student as students may get accurate time to solve the question should get accurate time to solve the question paper and by this they can perform well in there COMED-K exam. COMEDK exam question paper pattern is divided in between three subjects they as physics, chemistry and math. This pattern is divided by COMED-K exam board community.

COMED-K UGET 2022 Exam Pattern

Check the exam pattern of COMED-K UGET below:

  • Mode: COMED-K is a computer based test.
  • Exam Language: Medium of examination will be English Only.
  • Marking Scheme: Each correct answer will be awarded 1 mark. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers. However, in the event of a tie in the test score the principle of least negative responses (number of wrong answers) will be adopted. In addition, if required, other methods may be adopted to break ties.

COMED-K UGET 2022 Important Date

COMED-K has released COMEDK UGET 2022 exam date on the official website.  All other COMED-K UGET important dates will be released soon by the authority for admission to engineering courses. Candidates can check COMED-K UGET 2022 exam dates; admit card, results and more…

COMED-K UGET 2022 Admission Process

The admission process via COMED-K UGET is as follows:

  • Apply for COMEDK UGET 2022
  • Download the admit card for exam
  • Appear for COMEDK UGET CBT
  • Check the score and download the rank card
  • Attend counseling as per schedule